Best Hudson Valley Area Wedding Day Timeline

Every wedding is unique, but sticking to a general wedding day timeline keeps you and your vendor team on track throughout the celebration. Getting from rise-and-shine to wedded-and-wined requires a detailed timeline that leans on your vendor team for support. After all, there’s no time for delays!

Bride and groom walking through the property at The Hill

Here’s a look at the best Hudson Valley area wedding day timeline to guide your big day.

Getting ready

First things first, you and your wedding party need to get ready! When you begin depends on your ceremony start time, the size of your wedding party, and how long you expect it to take for hair and makeup. (Pro tip: Doing a trial run with your beauty team can provide an accurate estimate!)

It’s wise to pad your getting-ready timeline to ensure everyone is prepared when it’s time for the ceremony. Set aside time to eat lunch and sip on champagne with your wedding party — you’ll need your strength for the rest of the day!

First look

The first look is a popular addition to wedding day timeline, as it gives couples a chance to soak in the day and see each other privately before the ceremony. Many engaged couples in Hudson Valley find that the first look eliminates the pressure of seeing each other for the first time down the aisle.

If you plan to do a first look, work with your venue, planner, and photographer to coordinate a Hudson Valley area wedding day timeline that works for your needs. The first look will take place after everyone is ready just before the ceremony, so its important to plan accordingly. If you and your partner will exchange letters, add a few extra minutes to your wedding day timeline to ensure there are no delays!


The average wedding ceremony lasts about 30 minutes, but can be shorter or longer depending on what you choose to include. Religious ceremonies may take longer, as do celebrations with multiple readings or rituals, like sand ceremonies or candle-lighting traditions. 

When timing the ceremony, be mindful of the processional and recessional as well. Larger wedding parties will take longer to proceed down the aisle, so plan accordingly! Your officiant can help you time the ceremony accurately so it fits into your Hudson Valley area wedding day timeline seamlessly.

Portraits + Cocktail Hour

Once the deed is done and you are officially newlyweds, it’s time to take photos! After the ceremony, your wedding coordinator will direct guests toward cocktail hour where they can grab a drink and mingle until the reception starts. 

While your guests socialize, your photographer will pull you, your partner, the wedding party, and VIP family members to shoot formal portraits. (Pro tip: Creating a shot list for your photographer in advance can cut down on time — meaning more time to party!)

After the photos are complete, your coordinator will line you and your wedding party up for the grand entrance to the reception. 


Let the party commence! The reception is your time to let loose and celebrate your marriage. The first half of your reception is typically structured to include dinner, toasts, the first dance, family dances, and other common wedding traditions. 

After those boxes are checked though, you and your partner are free to hit the dance floor and party the rest of the night away! DJs and band leaders often serve as MC, so they’ll guide everyone through the Hudson Valley area wedding day timeline from the grand entrance to the grand exit. 


As the night winds down and guests start to head home, you and your partner can start thinking about heading back to your hotel and calling it a night. But first, you’ll need to make sure plans are set for breakdown and saving day-of items like décor and gifts. 

Confirm with your Hudson Valley area wedding venue and/or planner that the onsite team will handle breakdown. Then, make sure there is a designated person who will stay after the wedding to collect gifts and leftover items to hand over later. A family member or close friend is usually a safe bet.

Let’s create your perfect Hudson Valley area wedding day timeline!

Reach out today and start your wedding planning journey with Hudson Valley Weddings at The Hill. We can’t wait to hear more about your big day!

Betsy Scott